Ashland Senior Center Adds Programs
Aug 27, 2020 09:33AM ● By Cynthia Whitty
The staff at the Ashland Senior Center and the Ashland Human Services Department—both are located at 162 W Union St. (Rt. 135)—continue to connect to their patrons during the pandemic through phone calls and letters and by maintaining access to the Ashland Food Pantry.
As COVID-19 cases lessen and the state starts to reopen, the Senior Center staff is offering programs, such as take-home crafts and guided outdoor walks. In August, the center began an in-person caregiver support group, allowing residents to communicate with one another and have an opportunity for respite. These groups offer practical tips and resources in a relaxed and safe environment.
For more information and to sign up for these programs, call the senior center at 508-881-0140. To contact human services, call Jennifer Wuelfing for the food pantry, 508-532-7942, and Cara Tirrell for caregivers support, 509-532-7946.
Curbside Lunches Available
The Senior Center will offer curbside pick-up for Monday Lunches. A lunch catered by TJ’s will be available for $4. Sign-ups will be taken up until 3 p.m. Thursday each week. No orders can be taken after Thursday.
Seniors must pay for lunch in-advance by calling 508-881-0140 x1 to order. They then must drop off or mail payment to the center. Exact change or check is appreciated. For everyone’s convenience, the center will take curbside sign-ups and payment for future Monday lunches when you come to get your lunch order.
The Ashland Senior Center and staff will be following every safety precautions mandated by the CDC for restaurant and take-out services. There is no need for anyone to get out of their cars. Seniors can pop their car trunk or a staff member can open the back door of the car and place the lunch safely inside.
Practically Fit Classes To Come
The senior center reports that Practically Fit instructor Mary Ellen Giombetti will be back leading classes via WACA-TV. Dates and times to come.