Ashland Business Beat
Aug 27, 2020 09:51AM ● By Cynthia Whitty
The Ashland Business Association (ABA) is planning an in-person business networking social for its members and their guests on Wednesday, Sept. 2, 5:15 to 7:30 p.m., at 126 Self Storage, 162 Pond St. (Rt. 126), Ashland. Attendees are asked to register in online, Beer, wine and refreshments will be served. Business owner Mike Kane will have a table set up at the door with hand sanitizer, masks, gloves and a temperature gauge. Masks may be removed when eating or drinking but should be used when conversing. Kane may have outdoor seating and golf cart ride tours, weather permitting.
From March to June, the ABA held weekly virtual programs, featuring experts in a wide range of subjects, including loans, legislation, COVID-19 safety procedures, and business innovation.
ABA Map Showcases Businesses
The full-color ABA map, produced every two years, features streets, trails and more. The map will be delivered to every resident and business in the fall as an insert in Ashland Local Town Pages. The map will be available for 24 months in public venues, such as the library, town hall and police and fire departments, as well as at local storefronts. The 7th edition map will feature ads and listings for many ABA businesses and serve as a guide for residents who want to shop local and support Ashland businesses.
In addition to streets, schools and town buildings, the map identifies town forest and other hiking trails, open spaces, historic and scenic areas, boat launches, and bike rack locations. This edition of the map will be designed by Mike Marschke of DareDevil Studios, Ashland. To list your ad or business name to the map or for questions, email Dick Bennett, [email protected].
Advertise This Holiday Season
The ABA is offering its members an opportunity to list their business name in the ABA/Ashland Local Town Pages ad for the holiday season (October, November and December). The newspaper ad is 2 columns x 6 inches; the more names the ABA gets, the bigger the ad. The ad offers businesses the opportunity to get their name in front of every Ashland resident and business for a modest cost. To sign up, visit
Town Business Resources
Most Ashland businesses have changed the usual way of serving patrons. For a list of businesses, updated information, and modified hours of operation, visit For a list of restaurants, visit For a list of business recovery resources, visit, and restaurant recovery resources,