Ashland Lions September News
Aug 27, 2020 10:34AM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Ashland Lions Yard Sale
Ashland Lions Club will hold its annual yard sale on Saturday, September 19th, from 8am until 2pm. The event will take place at 99 Pleasant Street in Ashland. Items for sale will include furniture, household goods, useful items, books, toys and games, etc., all at reasonable prices. All proceeds will benefit Eye Research and local charities We hope to see you there!
Ashland Lions are still here!
Even though we aren’t all together right now, we are still here and want everyone to stay safe and in good spirits. Lion Dok has done a fantastic job of reminding the community that we’ll get through these times together by posting motivational words on the Ashland Lions sign near Lucky Farm. Keep an eye out for it when you drive by.
Whodunnit? Murder In Sin City
The Ashland Lions Club is teaming up with Lions Clubs in Sherborn and Bellingham mystery dinner. The event has been moved to Saturday, April 17th, 2021, 6:30pm-11:00pm. Participants will be assigned a role to play in solving a murder mystery! The event will be held at the VFW, 311 Pleasant St, Ashland. Tickets are available for $35 on under “Murder in Sin City”, or call Lion Eileen at 508-861-3226. Ticket price includes admission and an appetizer buffet. There will also be a cash bar, raffles and prizes. Currently only 150 tickets will be sold (this number subject to reduction as guidelines change for social distancing). All proceeds will benefit local hosting Lions Club charities.
Stay up-to-date on Lions happenings
To see the latest status of our events, please visit our Ashland Lions Facebook page. Click the Like button and you will be automatically notified of changes or cancellations.
Lion Dan Mitchell