Julie Nardone Uses Her Experience to Inspire Others
Nov 30, 2020 11:44AM ● By Cynthia Whitty
Ashland author and artist Julie Nardone released her first book this fall where she uses her experience in overcoming a rare neurological voice condition to inspire others to live creatively and fully. “Nardone’s journey to regain her voice might inspire you to find new, creative ways to use yours,” wrote Leigh Ann Henion, New York Times-bestselling author of Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer’s Search for Wonder in the Natural World.
Ashland Local Town Pages recently interviewed Nardone to learn more about her life journey and why she seeks to inspire and motivate others.
Can you tell me about your new book?
The title is “Feel More Alive! 30 Brilliant Ways To Reignite Your Inner Spark.” The book is part memoir, part art gallery, and part feel-better guide. It is divided into five A.L.I.V.E. sections, each illustrated with one of my magical paintings. The book is primarily for women and men, 40+, wishing to feel more enthused about life.
What motivated you to write the book?
In the late 90s, I developed a rare neurological voice condition called Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) that made it difficult to speak without sounding like a broken PA system. It dashed my dreams of becoming a singer in a band. At that “Dark Night of the Soul” point, I had two choices for myself: further descend into sadness or open some new doors. I chose the latter and took up writing and then painting. Miraculously, I even stumbled on a singing teacher right here in Ashland, Julie Hausmann, who developed a novel way for me to sing “up and over the cracks in my voice.” Within eight months, she not only had me back singing but also, ironically, singing better than before.
I called my experience “self-hope” and decided to share the inspired process that lead me to a more dynamic life. Once you learn how to fill yourself up with hope, you can do just about anything.
Equally important, the book is short to encourage people to finish! After piling up way too many half-read books, I wanted mine to end on a still engaged high note.
Have you written
a book before?
“Feel More Alive!” is my first finished book. I scribbled the first draft in a series of notebooks with vibrant lemon yellow (my favorite color) covers. I may write another book, but right now I’m into creating magical artwork that makes people feel more alive!
What has your writing experience to this point been?
My personal essays have been published in major magazines and newspapers, such as Psychology Today, Spirituality & Health, Boston Globe Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, and anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul, as well as broadcast on public radio.
Where can residents
find your book?
The book can be purchased online at Amazon (https://amzn.to/3lhpebN) and Barnes & Noble, and locally at Ashland Reiki and Wellness Center, 54 Front St., Ashland. Autographed copies can be purchased from Nardone by contacting her at 508 380 8799.