Greater Ashland Lions Club

Welcome 2021! We’ve been waiting for this year to come; 2020 was not the best year, but will be long remembered for many disappointments, anxiety and stress and sadness to too many of us, giving us the ability to survive and create new ways of communication and help those in need.
The Greater Ashland Lions wish you all the best of Health and a Prosperous new year, again “Thank You” to all our loyal supporters during this most difficult pandemic year whether it be a donation, attending a function or just say HELLO. We are anticipating a productive year with new and innovative and entertaining functions for all to enjoy. Please continue to read this column for future events that will be in line with safe guidelines, wear a mask and be safe.
International Peace Poster Contest
Congratulations to all students who participated in The Lions Club International Peace Poster held at the Ashland Middle School in November. The names of the winners for the Greater Ashland Lions are: 1st Place Eve Skelton, 2nd Place Abirami Tilak and 3rd Place Zotia Likowska this was the 33rd year that our Lions Clubs have participated and the topic this year was “Peace thru Service” for more information contact Lion Jan Shore.
Youth Speech Contest
The contest between the Ashland Lions and the Greater Ashland Lions was held on Dec. 21st the contest was done virtually and the winners will be announced at a later date. The topic for this contest is 2020-2021 “Is Wining Everything” this is the opportunity for students to demonstrate their speaking ability in the presence of an audience. For more information contact Lion Margaret 508-881-9861 or Lion Patti 508-881-2034.
Coat Drive
Thank you for your donations of warm winter coats, the last date for donations will be Jan. 10. Contact Lion Deb should you wish to donate 508-881- 2117.
Congratulations Lions!
Lions Club International has recognized the following Lions for their years of commitment and service
With a Milestone Chevron Award to the following: Lion Diane Antonioli, Lion Mary Pimentel and Lion Cheryl Wyrzykowkifor 10 years of service. Recognizing Lion Mary Lou Hunt for 40 years of service.
Thank you, Lions for all you do.
Would you like to know more about the Greater Ashland Lions contact Lion Mary 508-881-5515 or Lion Ellie at 508-875-4513?
We are collecting eyeglasses, hearing aids, coupons for education tabs from soda, beer, soup and pet food cans. Contact Lion Marj 508-653-6267
Submitted by Lion Ellie Torelli