Greater Ashland Lions Club

On Feb. 13, members of the Greater Ashland Lions Club attended the virtual 33-K
Massachusetts Lions Mid-Winter Conference with more than 150 attendees. This conference
happens each year where we Lions learn more about our organization, workshops for those to learn more and how to serve their clubs and communities.
This year’s guest speaker was International Director Lion Robert Block from Illinois and his wife Lion Brenda Block, who spoke on how he had 48 years as an architectural and design engineer and project manager. he talked about how in 1974 he became a Lion. Since then he has served his community, served as volunteer coordinator for the 50th anniversary Special Olympics Unified Cup in 2018 and in recognition of his service has received several international awards.
During the virtual convention many Clubs within our Lion District 33-k made donations to Mass.
Lions Eye Research Fund total on this day of $117,600 the donations continue thru the end of the Lionistic year in June. Due to COVID-19, fundraising activities have been hampered and donations are low. Since its beginning MLER has made grant awards of more than $38,000,000 to research centers and hospitals. Your donations are valued and are needed to continue research and enable people to live their lives. The Greater Ashland Lions welcome any and all donations to better serve the community and many projects including LCIF (helping to serve relief in disasters worldwide, floods, fire, earthquakes etc.), locally the Greater Ashland Lions contribute food distribution to needy, high school scholarships, relay for Life, speech contest, peace poster contest, Ashland Food Pantry, Ashland Emergency fund.
Coat Drive
Our Coats for Kids Drive ended on February 28. “THANK YOU” for a very successful coat drive and your generosity was overwhelming, this has not been easy for many and your support is appreciated by all who received your donations. A special Thank You to Anton Cleaners who cleaned and distributed all the donations. For more info. Contact Lion Deb at 508-881-2117.
Would you like to visit one of our virtual meetings? Contact Lion Mary at 508-881-5515 or Lion Ellie 508-875-4513. We continue to collect used and new eyeglasses prescription and non-prescription, hearing aids and batteries for hearing aids tabs from soda, beer, soup and pet food cans and coupons for education contact Lion Marj 508-653- 6267.
Spring is on the way!
Get your vaccine shot when you are able, wear a mask, wash your hands be safe.
For the Future looking ahead the Massachusetts Lions will be hosting July 7 thru July 11, 2023, the
Lions International Convention in Boston.
Submitted by Lion Ellie Torelli