Special Town Meeting 2022 Wrap Up

The Town of Ashland gathered for Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at the high school at 7 pm.
Seventy-six registered voters weighed in on seven warrant articles. There were several productive and engaging discussions and ultimately all seven articles presented passed. A recording of special town meeting can be found on WACA TV or on the town website, www.ashlandmass.com.
Article 1: Free Cash Transfer
Motion: That the Town vote to transfer from Free Cash the following; the sum of $80,000 to the Stabilization Fund; and the sum of $533,325 to the OPEB Trust Fund; the sum of $994,423 to the Capital Account; the sum $250,000 to Account 01123-52450 (Comprehensive Plan); and the sum of $250,000 to Account 36502447-48310 (Mindess School Building Project); as shown in the table above.
Passed unanimously
Article 2: Property Tax Exemption Motion: That the Town vote to adjust (the exemption amount and eligibility factors) for the property tax exemption for senior citizens under MGL Chapter 59, Section 5 Clause 41C½ to 11.25%, to be effective for exemptions granted the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022.
Passed unanimously
Article 3: Amend Bylaw: Demolition Delay for Historically or Architecturally Significant Property
Motion: That Town amend the Town Bylaws Chapter 125 Demolition Delay Bylaw for Historically or Architecturally Significant Buildings as presented in Article 3.
Passed with a simple majority
Article 4: Accept Gift Nancy Drive/Eliot Street
Motion: That the Town accept as a gift or otherwise acquire, the land located at 0 Nancy Drive, Ashland, Massachusetts and as shown on the Town of Ashland Assessor’s Map 26 Lot 162, including 4,561 square feet more or less, for the purpose of the accessing the park that will be constructed at the former site of Cadilac Paint to be under the care, custody and control of the Select Board, and to authorize the Select Board to negotiate and execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate same.
Passed unanimously
Article 5: Adopt Brave Act provision 22G
Motion: That the Town accept the provisions of M.G.L. c. 59, § 5, Clause Twenty-second G.
Passed unanimously
Article 6: Authorize Funding for Improvements to Middle School Athletic Fields
Motion: That the Town appropriate $185,000 from the Community Preservation Act Open Space Account, to fund improvements at Middle School fields to include the replacement of the scoreboards, dugouts, benches and install batting cages for baseball, softball and athletic field turf areas; said funds to be available until December 31, 2024 at which time any unexpended funds will be returned to their funding sources.
Passed with a simple majority
Article 7: Zoning Bylaw: Building Moratorium
Motion: That the Town amend the Town of Ashland Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 282, as set forth in the Warrant in Article 7.
Moderator declared 2/3 majority
Town Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.