Art Marries History

Elaine Donovan created the ornaments and Maria Raffi created the painting. Courtesy photos
Almost all downtown revitalizations begin with local artists utilizing historic buildings. Economic development grows exponentially from that magical cultural marriage.
To support Ashland’s downtown revitalization, visit our historic Town Hall during the Dec. 3, Winter Stroll and support one artist with the purchase of one holiday gift. That’s it!
Just. One. Artist. Just. One. Gift.

You will be able to find artists of many kinds – painters, writers, potters, crafters – on the first two floors between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm. And with a large parking lot outside the building, you can buy arts and crafts, store it safely in your car and continue to enjoy the early evening festivities at the Corner Spot.
Thank you for supporting artists in Ashland!