Keefe Tech Students To Work On Landscaping Ashland Healing Garden

Keefe Tech Horticulture is excited to work with the Ashland-Nyanza Project as it presents a unique opportunity for students to both learn and contribute to a very meaningful project in our community.
Students in the horticulture program are assisting in the Ashland Healing Garden project through landscape enhancement.
Students worked collaboratively on a planting design with a goal of using native plants while enhancing the forest setting in which the Ashland Healing Garden exists.
Upon approval, the students will implement the planting design and create a maintenance plan for the future. This project presents a great opportunity for learning as it encompasses all three phases of landscaping: design, construction, and maintenance.
The Ashland Healing Garden Project has students in the Keefe Tech Horticulture program excited both for the unique hands-on learning opportunity as well as the chance to contribute to a meaningful cause in their community.