Warren School Assistant Principal Named Assistant, Principal Of The Year

Henry Warren Elementary School Assistant Principal Kate Altman has been selected as the Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year.
“I cannot thank my colleagues enough for nominating me and the MSAA for choosing me amongst so many deserving individuals. This award means so much to me,” said Assistant Principal Altman.
The MSAA sought nominations for an outstanding leader who does a great job leading their school and students. Warren School Principal Peter Regan and Assistant Superintendent Michael Caira knew Altman possessed these qualities and more. They did not hesitate to nominate her and were not surprised to see her chosen as the award recipient after the MSAA interviewed her.
“Kate is an amazing administrator and person. She joined the Warren School five years ago, and her devotion to our students and dedication to their success is displayed daily. She goes above and beyond for our students, staff and families, and it has not gone unnoticed. This is very well deserved” said Principal Regan.
As an experienced educator with 18 years of experience, Altman began her career as a Title 1 Math teacher and, after one year, transitioned into teaching second grade at Farley Elementary School in Hudson, Massachusetts. In addition to juggling her assistant principal responsibilities, Altman is the mother of Colin, age 12, and Brooke, age 10. She and her husband, Dave, live in Sudbury.