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Ashland - Local Town Pages

Senior Community Center Activities for October


Oct  2nd at 12:00 - Lunch featuring String Swing Jazz Trio

Oct  4th at 11:00 - “Scams” Coffee Hour with Ashland Police Chief Cara Rossi

Oct  5th at 10:00 - COA Meeting

Oct  5th at 12:00 - FOCOA Meeting

Oct  9th - Closed for Columbus Day

Oct  10th at 4:00-6:00 - Ashland Lions Club Senior Social with Music Bingo and Dinner. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Oct  11th at 10:30 - Lifelong Learning Series “Native Americans”, Part 2 of a 3

Oct  11th at 11:00 - “Let’s Talk About Fuel Assistance” with Cheryl Bell. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Oct  13th at 10:00 - Legal Consultation by Appointment Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1.

Oct  18th at 10:00 - Computer Class: Q & A Computer Refresher Course

Oct. 18th at 10:00 - Town Manager’s Coffee Hour

Oct. 19th  at 10:00 – Fall Social on the Veranda with Warm Cider and Donuts

Oct  23rd at 12:00 - Lunch and Senator Karen Spilka’s Office - Listening Hour

Oct  23rd at 10:30 - Hearing Aid Cleaning with Hopkinton Audiology

Oct  24th at   2:00 - Halloween Costume Party with Music and Stories by The Elderly Brothers

Oct. 25th at 12:00 - SHINE: “Take Advantage of the Medicare Open Enrollment” (Bring your own lunch)

Oct. 26th at 10:00 - Clocktown Memory Café featuring String Swing Jazz Trio

Oct  30th at 12:00 - Halloween Lunch & Trivia 


Bowling - Tuesdays at Ryan’s Amusement in Millis at 9 am

Bingo - First and Third Tuesdays of the Month at 1 pm

Blood Pressure Clinic - Wednesdays at 10:30 am

Chair Yoga - Tuesdays at 1 pm

Craft Day - Every other Friday, Oct. 13 and 27 at 11 am

Cribbage - Thursdays at 12:30 pm

Exercise with Joni - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am

In Stitches “DROP IN” Knitting Group  - Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 11 am

Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Class - Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Line Dancing with Lisa - Thursdays at 12 pm

Mahjong - Fridays at 10:30 am

Parkinson Boxing - First and Third Wednesdays of the Month at 1:30 pm

Parkinson’s Support Group - Second Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm

Pitch Card Game - Mondays at 1:30 pm

Stress Reduction Class with Robin - Thursdays at 1 pm

Tai Chi with Robin - Wednesdays at 11 am

Veterans Office Hours - Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday by appointment-Call (508) 429-0629 to make an appointment

Zumba Gold - Mondays at 10 am

Schedule is subject to change. Please review Monthly Newsletter.