Ashland Lions Club December 2023 Update

Christmas tree lot now at the Ashland Farmers Markert!
The Lions Christmas Tree lot is now in its new location at the Ashland Farmers Market, 125 Front Street. We will be open weekends 9a-8p, and weekdays 3p-8p, until we sell out (follow our Facebook page for changes in hours). Big thanks to the Boy Scouts Troop 232, AHS Leos Club and AHS Football team for getting us up and running and helping us sell trees.
Please consider buying your fresh Christmas tree or wreath from the Ashland Lions this year and donate to a great cause. Remember, Lions give back 100% of profits from all fundraisers to our local community and to Mass Lions Eye Research, who works toward preventing and curing blindness.
In addition to donating back to community organizations with the money we raise, we are also able to contribute to the community through experiences. Starting this year, the Ashland Lions are proud to support our town holiday lighting ceremony with hot cocoa and cookies. As a special feature this year, we are also happy to have live and in person, Queen Elsa from the Frozen movies for a meet-and-greet and photo opportunity for kids prior to the holiday lighting ceremony.
Ashland Lions Tree Lot offers trees and wreaths
Coats for Kids and Families
Ashland Lions Club is partnering again with Anton’s Cleaners for the Coats for Kids and Families Drive. We are collecting warm winter coats for adults and children. CFK&F accepts warm winter coats that are gently used, good quality and all sizes. Coats should not have rips, tears, broken zippers or permanent stains. They will be cleaned by Anton’s Cleaners and made available to local nonprofits, social service agencies and schools to ensure that the coats are given to those who really need them, free of charge. Coats may be dropped off in Ashland at Focus on Fitness (290 Eliot St.), Cleaner’s Choice and Tailor (193 Main St.) and at the Public Safety Building (12 Union Street).
Ashland Lions Meat Raffles
Ashland Lions is continuing another great year of meat raffles! Our next one will be held on Saturday, January 6 at 12pm, at TJs Food and Spirits in Ashland, and continue the first Saturday of each month throughout the winter. As always there will be great food, fun people, and great meat to choose from. See you there!
Eyeglasses and Cellphone Collection
Eyeglasses and cellphone collection is a year-round project with collection of used prescription and nonprescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids and cell phones.
Collection boxes are located at:
Ashland Post Office
Ashland Senior Center
Old train station - Ashland
Moody Optical - Ashland
Middlesex Bank – Ashland
Fayville, MA Post Office
Studio Optics – Framingham
Southborough Senior Center
Southboro Post Office on Rt.85
TJ’s Food and Spirits
The Residence at Valley Farm
Join the Lions and help your community
Do you love the feeling of helping out people who need it? Want to participate in service to the community while meeting some great people and having some fun? If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Ashland Lions, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] for details, or message us on Facebook! You’re also welcome to stop by our Christmas Tree lot and talk to any of our members.
Stay up-to-date on Lions happenings
To see the latest status of our events, please visit our Ashland Lions Facebook page. Click the Like button and you will be automatically notified of changes or cancellations. While you’re at it, be sure to follow Ashland Town News too!
King Lion Dan Mitchell
Ashland Lions Club President