Ashland Holiday Stroll & Comprehensive Plan Open House

What a day it was during this past month’s Annual Holiday Stroll! The festive spirit was alive and well, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the incredible turnout and community support that made these events truly special.
We had approximately 1000 people (maybe more) fill the streets and buildings downtown. On their very first day in business, SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream kicked off their new venture serving up 243 cups of ice cream! The Bagel Table sold out of their delicious bagels! Cocoa and cider, along with delicious noodles were enjoyed and Santa was busy in the shed at The Corner Spot listening to the wishes of nearly 150 kids! This event marked some record sales numbers for many of our local businesses too.
Our Comprehensive Plan Open House was also extremely successful, with 159 stakeholders providing important input about what they like about Ashland today and more importantly what they would like to see in Ashland in the future. The Comprehensive Plan will serve as our blueprint for making future decisions so it is important to have resident and stakeholder input to make it a success. Many thanks to the Steering Committee members who volunteered to staff the open house as well as the Ashland Moms Club for providing fun activities for the kids.
Thank you to the 40+ local businesses that made this year’s Stroll absolutely unforgettable. Their shops, filled with joy, treats, and holiday magic, were instrumental in creating lasting memories for everyone in town! The pop-up tables featured unique gifts that were a huge draw in bringing out the shoppers. We’re thrilled to see our community come together to support our local businesses.