Senior Community Center Activities for February 2024

New Programs & Activities:
Feb 1, at 9 Free Breakfast sponsored by Ashland Lions Club. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 1st at 10, COA Meeting
Feb 1st at noon, FOACOA Meeting
Feb 1st at 6:00-7:30, NEW! TRIP INFORMATION NIGHT with Donna Shaw, Learn about upcoming Ashland and Callahan Senior Center Travel (Back up date in case of bad weather - Feb 8th from 6 - 7:30 pm)
Feb 2nd All Day, Wear RED Day Wear Red Day is a day dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and heart health. Wear red and show your support.
Feb 5th at noon Lunch & Karen Spilka’s Office Listening Hour Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person.
Feb 7th at 10, Computer Class - “Using Voice Mail” Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 8th at 10:30, Downton Abbey Tea Party and Showing of 3rd Episode
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 9th 10:00-11:30 Legal Consultation with Arthur P. Bergeron will be held via Telephone.
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 12th at noon Valentine’s Day Lunch with Jonathan Keezing, guitarist & vocalist Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person.
Feb 13th at 11, Mardi Gras Party - join us for pastries and mocktails. Space is limited. Please call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 13th at 11:30, Ashland Sustainability Program Information Session about a paid opportunity for Seniors. presented by Samantha Riley, Ashland Sustainability Project Manager
Space is limited. Please call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 14th 9-11:30 Veterans Coffee Hour - All Veterans are invited to join us for coffee & pastries. Meet Veterans Service Officer Richard Sabounjian. Please call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 19 Closed Presidents Day
Feb 20th at 11 Lecture/Discussion about “Forgotten Black Women of the Civil Rights Movement” by Media Specialist Donna Halper Please call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 21st at 10, Town Manager’s Coffee Hour
Feb 22nd 10-11:30, Clocktown Memory Cafe with performance by Retro Politan Duo Clocktown Cafe provides a welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or a cognitive impairment, accompanied by the care partner.
Feb 26th at 10:30, Hearing Aid Cleaning with Hopkinton Audiology. Please call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1.
Feb 26th at noon, Lunch and Trivia Contest. Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person.
Feb 29th 6-8, FOACOA sponsored “Sadie Hawkins Day” Dance with DJ Victor Ng. Plus appetizers and light refreshments. Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $10 per person.
Weather Cancellation Policy:
The Senior Center will be closed on all holidays observed by Town Hall employees.
Activities and transportation may be cancelled due to inclement weather.
The bus/van will not operate when weather causes school closings.
Stay tuned to your local TV station for listings of school closings.
*Note: All classes are a suggested donation of $4 per person* Unless otherwise noted.
Bingo - First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 1 pm
Bowling - Tuesdays at Ryan’s Amusement in Millis at 9 am
Blood Pressure Clinic - Wednesdays at 10:30 am
Canasta - Mondays at 1 pm
Chair Yoga - Wednesdays at 1 pm
Chair Volleyball - Tuesdays at 1 pm
Chess Class - Mondays at 1:30 pm
Craft Class Free - First and Third Friday of the Month at 11 am
Cribbage - Thursdays at 12:30 pm
Exercise with Joni - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am (No Exercise Class on Feb. 9th and 19th)
Hearts - Wednesdays at 1 pm
In Stitches “DROP IN” Knitting Group - Second and Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 11 am
Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Class - Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Line Dancing with Lisa - Thursdays at 12 pm
Mahjong - Fridays at 9:30 am for Beginners and 10:30 am for regular play
NEW! Mindful Meditation - Thursdays at 11 am with Mary Green
Parkinsons Boxing - First and Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Parkinsons Support Group - Second Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Pins and Needles (Free Sewing Class) - Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the Month at 9 am
NEW! Poker - Tuesdays at 12:00 pm - Volunteer will instruct beginners. All level of players welcome.
Veterans Office Hours - Every other Wednesday of the Month from 9 -11:30 am