Ashland Lions Club February 2024 Update
Congrats to our Youth Speech Contest winners!
The Ashland Lions and Greater Ashland Lions held their annual combined club-level Youth Speech Competition on December 21st. The contest was open to all Ashland students grades 9-12 provided they were sponsored by a Mass Lions Club or Leos Club. Judges not familiar with the contestants were selected to score each contestant on delivery, effectiveness, and the content of their speech. This year’s topic was “With which historical figure would you most like to speak?”, and each contestant had to prepare and present a speech 5-8 minutes long on the topic. All the contestants did an excellent job. Our first-place winner this year was sophomore Alisha Rose, and first runner up was sophomore Hasini Reddy. Ragav Iyer, a junior, was the first-place winner for the Greater Ashland Lions. Since the contest was sponsored by both Lions Clubs in Ashland, the top two contestants both moved on to the Region/Zone competition to compete at the next level. All the contestants should be very proud of their accomplishments. Special thanks to our Leos Advisor Catherine Dicken, our event co-chairs Dan Mitchell of Ashland Lions and Patty Rokes of Greater Ashland Lions, the judges, timekeeper, scorekeepers, text reader and other volunteers who made this event possible.
Ashland Lions Meat Raffles
Ashland Lions is continuing another great year of meat raffles! Our next one will be held on Saturday, February 3rd at 12pm, at TJs Food and Spirits in Ashland, and continue the first Saturday of each month throughout the winter. As always there will be great food, fun people, and great meat to choose from. See you there!
Ashland Lions Regatta on the Sudbury River!
The Ashland Lions will hold their 4th annual Lions Toy Boat “Regatta” on Saturday, March 23rd, 2023 (rain date Sunday March 24th). At 10:00am, numbered toy boats will be launched by a member of the Lions from the Sudbury River canoe launch at Gryncell Park in Ashland. The first three boats to reach the finish at Marathon Park will be the winners! You do not need to be present to win. Tickets, corresponding to the boat numbers, are $5 each or 3 for $10 and can be obtained from any Lion or by calling Lion “Dok” at (508)881-4664. All proceeds go to support our community and Lions Eye Research.
Eyeglasses and Cellphone Collection
Eyeglasses and cellphone collection is a year- round project with collection of used prescription and nonprescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids and cell phones. In the past year we have collected almost 900 pairs of glasses!
Collection boxes are located at:
Ashland Post Office
Ashland Senior Center
Old train station - Ashland
Moody Optical - Ashland
Middlesex Bank – Ashland
Fayville, MA Post Office
Studio Optics – Framingham
Southborough Senior Center
Southboro Post Office on Rt.85
TJ’s Food and Spirits
The Residence at Valley Farm
Senior Breakfasts
Seniors, why not join us and other members of the community for breakfast? Senior Breakfasts are on the first Thursday of each month, held at the Ashland Senior Center, 162 West Union St in Ashland. This event runs through May.
Stay up-to-date on Lions happenings
To see the latest status of our events, please visit our Ashland Lions Facebook page. Click the Like button and you will be automatically notified of changes or cancellations. While you’re at it, be sure to follow Ashland Town News too!
King Lion Dan Mitchell
Ashland Lions Club President