Senior Community Center Activities for MAY 2024

May 1st at 9:00
Trail Walks and Bird Education with Lorraine
Meet at the Ashland Senior Center at 9 am and carpool to
Waseeka Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, Hopkinton.
Walks on Wednesdays with rain date on Fridays. Bring binoculars and bug spray.
To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 1st at 11:00
May Day Tea and Basket Decorating
Enjoy tea and coffee with pastries, and decorate a May Day Basket.
To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 2nd at 9:00
FREE Breakfast sponsored by Ashland Lions Club
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 2nd, 16th or 30th
Phone or Zoom SHINE Appointment with Pegg Rowe
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1.
May 2nd at 10:00
COA Meeting
May 2nd at 12:00
FOACOA Annual Meeting – Open to all who wish to attend.
May 3rd at 11:00
Cooking Class with Chef Lee – Korean Jjajangnyun
Savory Black Bean sauce with Noodles. Space is limited.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1. $5 donation requested per person.
May 6th at 12:00
NEW!!! Cinco de Mayo Lunch & Karen Spilka’s Office Listening Hour
Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the
Main Office to reserve your seat. This special lunch costs $8 per person.
May 7th at 10 am-12 pm
Open House to Welcome New Senior Residents of Ashland
Get to know what the Ashland Senior Center offers. Activities include exercise demonstrations, light refreshments and prizes.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 8th at 9:00
Trail Walks and Bird Education with Lorraine
Meet at Burnam’s Restaurant Parking Lot.
Use the Pleasant Street entrance for the Mill Pond/River Walk.
Walks on Wednesdays with rain date on Fridays. Bring binoculars and bug spray.
To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 8th & 22nd at 9:00 – 11:30 am
Veterans Office Hours with Richard Sabounjian.
Appointments recommend. Call 508-429-0629 to schedule.
May 8th at 10:00
Computer Class - “Advanced Searches, Book Marking Web Pages, Sharing Links, and more . . .” Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 9th & 23rd at 10 am -12pm
SHINE In Person Appointment with Fran Backstran
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1
May 9th at 10:30
Downton Abbey 6th T.V. Episode Viewing
Tea and coffee provided. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 10th 10:00-11:30
Legal Phone Consultation with Arthur P. Bergeron
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1
May 10th at 11:00
NEW!!! Improv for Seniors with Mattie
Improv games are fun and a great way to keep your mind active. For example, we might start with a “Word at a Time Story.” Participants sit in a circle, and say one word at a time around the circle to tell a story. To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 13th at 12:00
Lunch and Trivia Contest
Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person.
May 14th at 11:00
NEW!!! “Clear Captions” with Jared Valanzola
Learn how the government will pay for land line phones with captions for the
Hard of Hearing. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 15th at 9:00
Trail Walks and Bird Education with Lorraine
Meet at Macomber Reservation, Framingham. The parking lot is on Badger Road. Walks on Wednesdays with rain date on Fridays. Bring binoculars and bug spray. To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 15th at 10:00
Town Manager’s Coffee Hour
All are welcome!
May 16th at 10:00
NEW!!! “Gardner Museum Theft” with author Bob Ainsworth
Find out details of the theft of 13 art objects valued at $500 million US dollars.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 16th 6:00-8:00 pm
NEW!!! SPRING FLING- FOACOA Sponsored Dinner & Dance with DJ Vic $12 per person
Put on your dancing shoes and swing to music of the 40s, 50s and 60s.
Reserve your seat by Friday, May 10th.
Fill out the reservation form and place it into the “LUNCH’ box located outside the main office.
May 20th 10:30
FREE Hearing Aid Cleaning with Hopkinton Audiology
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1
May 20th at 12:00
Lunch with performance by Retro Polatin featuring works by “Pioneering Women of Early Rock and Roll”
Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person.
May 21st at 10:30
“Home Modification Loan Program” presented by Kimberly Yau of SMOC
The Massachusetts state funded HMLP program offers 0% interest loans so that seniors can install a ramp, stair-lift or walk in shower.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
May 22nd at 9:00
Trail Walks and Bird Education with Lorraine
Meet at Burnam’s Restaurant Parking Lot.
Use the Pleasant Street entrance for the Mill Pond/River Walk.
Walks on Wednesdays with rain date on Fridays. Bring binoculars and bug spray.
To Sign Up call 508-881-0140 x 1
May 22nd 6:00-7:30 pm
Cooking Class with Chef Lee – Korean Japchae Sweet potatoes, vegetables and noodle dish. Space is limited.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1. $5 donation requested per person.
May 23rd 10:00-11:30
Clocktown Memory Cafe with a performance by Wendee Glick & Steve Heck
Clocktown Cafe provides a welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or a cognitive impairment accompanied by the care-partner.
May 23rd 5:30-7:00 pm
“How to Build an Emotional Pension: Building a Life that Has Meaning and Purpose for you!” with author Henry Quinlan
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
May 27th
* Note: All classes are a suggested donation of $4 per person * Unless otherwise noted.
Monday Lunches at 12:00 pm weekly, except holidays. Reservations must be made by Thursday before the scheduled lunch. Please use the payment slip and locked box located outside of the main office to reserve your seat. Cost pp is $5 unless otherwise noted.
Bingo - First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 1 pm
Bowling - Tuesdays at Ryan’s Amusement in Millis at 9 am
Chair Yoga - Wednesdays at 1 pm
Chess - Mondays at 1:30 pm
Craft Class Free – First, Third and Fifth Friday of the Month at 11 am
Cribbage - Thursdays at 12:30 pm
Exercise with Joni - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am
“DROP IN” Knitting Group - Second and Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 11 am
Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Class
Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Line Dancing with Lisa - Thursdays at 12 pm
Mahjong - Fridays at 9:30 am for beginners by appointment. Regular play at 10:30 am for all levels.
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1
Mindful Meditation - Thursdays at 11 am with Mary Green
Parkinson’s Boxing - First and Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Pins and Needles (Free Sewing Class) - Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the Month at 9:30 am
Spring Walking Group – Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:00 am. Meet at Ashland Senior Center and walk in State Park with Candi Wilson
Tai Chi for Balance – Wednesdays at 11:00–11:45 am with Jon Woodward
Veterans Office Hours - Every other Wednesday of the Month from 9 -11:30 am