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Senior Community Center Activities for September 2024


Sept 1st

CLOSED for Labor Day

Sept 4th at 10:00 

Computer Class –“Cyber Security: Learn How to Search the Internet Safely &   Evaluate the Safety of Email and Texts -- Should You Open and Respond?”

Registrations Requested. Walk Ins Welcome. 

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 5th at 9:00

FREE Breakfast sponsored by Ashland Lions Club 

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 5th at 10:00

COA Meeting

Sept 5th at 10:30

Downton Abbey T.V. Episode Season 2, Episodes 8-9 Viewing

Tea and coffee provided. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1 

Sept 5th at 12:00

 FOACOA Meeting

Sept 6th at 10:00

NEW!!! Paint a Silk Scarf w/ Karen Halloran & Jennifer Luna 

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1 

Sept 9th at 12:00

 Lunch & Karen Spilka’s Office Listening Hour w/ a Staff Member

Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the 

Main Office to reserve your seat.  The cost is $5 per person.

Sept 10th at 2:00

NEW!!! In Person – “Medicare 101: Everything You Need to Know” w/ Carolyn Anderson. SHINE. For 60+ seniors who have recently retired or                                             are at the point of retirement. Unbiased counseling on health insurance options & related benefits.  Registrations Requested. Walk Ins Welcome.  

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 11th at 9:30

 NEW!!! “Statue of Liberty” discussion w/ Paolo DiGregorio, Ph.D.

Explore why the statue was built and its meaning.

Registrations Requested. Walk Ins Welcome.  

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 11th & 25th 9-11:30

Veterans Office Hours with Richard Sabounjian

Appointments recommend. Call 508-429-0629 to schedule.

Sept 12th & 26th

10-12:00 SHINE In Person Appointment w/ Fran Bakstran

Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 12th 

10:00NEW!!! “Downsizing and Selling: from Daunting to DONE!” w/ David Dowd of Kelleher Williams Realty & Founder of Sell Mom’s House. Registrations Requested. Walk Ins Welcome.  

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 13th 

9:30 Pins & Needles Sewing Class w/ Tobi – Fabric Bowls Bring your own sewing machine. 

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 13th 

10:00-11:30 Legal Phone Consultation with Arthur P. Bergeron

Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 16th 10:30

 FREE Hearing Aid Cleaning with Hopkinton Audiology

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 16th at 12:00

Lunch w/ Singer/Entertainer, Tommy Rull performing music of Sinatra, Diamond, Elvis, among others. Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat.  The cost is $5 per person.

Sept 17th 10:00 

 Craft w/ Elissa – Create an Indoor/Outdoor Suncatcher

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 18th

10:00 Town Manager’s Coffee Hour All are welcome!

Sept 19th at 10:00

NEW!!! “Ways to Save on Your Electricity Bill” w/ Samantha Riley, 

Town of Ashland Sustainability Program Manager. Using Mass Save Coupons

To Afford Energy Efficient Appliances and Other Tips on Saving.

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 19th

10:30 Cooking Class with Chef Lee –BBQ Pork Flat Bread Pizza

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1

Sept 19th

1:00  NEW!!! Improvisation Games, Served with Pizza w/ Julia Nowak, Initiative Coordinator, Springwell. 

Dive into Improv games like “Poetry for Neanderthals” where you learn to     communicate like a Caveman. Grab a piece of pizza, and give your wits a workout. Fun for everyone. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 19th & 26th

1:30–2:30 NEW!!! Chair Volleyball w/ State Representative Jack Patrick Lewis

All levels of players welcome. Come laugh and have fun with us.

Sept 20th

10:00  Craft w/ Chaitanya– Block Printing on Cards

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 25th

10:30 NEW!!! “Homecare 101” w/ Matt DeWaele, Right at Home, Home Care.

Registrations Requested. Walk Ins Welome.          

Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 26th

10:00-11:30 Clocktown Memory Cafe 

Clocktown Cafe provides a welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or a cognitive impairment accompaniedby the caregiver.

Sept 27th 

9:30 Pins & Needles Sewing Class w/ Tobi – Creating Fabric Boxes

Bring your own sewing machine. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.

Sept 30th

12:00 NEW!!! FREE Lunch & Trivia – Sponsored by the Ashland 

Police Department Reservations must be made for this FREE Lunch.

Space Limited. Please call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.


* Note: All classes are a suggested donation of $4 per person * Unless otherwise noted.

Monday Lunches at 12:00 pm weekly, except holidays. Reservations must be made by Thursday before the scheduled lunch. Please use the payment slip and locked box located outside of the main office to reserve your seat.  Cost pp is $5 unless otherwise noted.

Bingo – First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 1 pm

Bowling - Tuesdays at Ryan’s Amusement in Millis at 9 am

Blood Pressure Check Free – Wednesdays at 10:30 am

Canasta – Moved to Wednesdays at 1 pm

Chair Volleyball – NEW!!!!  Thursdays on Sept 19th & 26th at 1:30-2:30 pm. Beginners Welcome!

Chair Yoga – Wednesdays at 1 pm

Chess – Mondays at 1:30 pm 

Craft Class Free – First and Third Fridays of the Month at 10 am. 

Check calendar for occasional other craft dates/times.

Cribbage Thursdays at 12:30 pm 

Exercise with Joni Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am

“DROP IN” Knitting Group  – Second and Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 11 am

Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Drop In Class – Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Line Dancing with Lisa – Thursdays at 12 pm

Mahjong – Fridays at 10:30 am for all levels

Mindfulness & Meditation – Thursdays at 11 am with Mary Green

Parkinson’s Boxing – First & Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm

Pins and Needles (Free Sewing Class) – Second and Fourth Fridays of the Month at 9:30 am

Pitch Card Game – Mondays at 1:00 pm

Tai Chi – Wednesdays at 11 am with Jon Woodward

Veterans Office Hours – Every other Wednesday of the Month from 9 -11:30 am. 

Check Calendar for Dates. 

Zumba Gold with Kellie – Tuesdays at 10 am.