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Ashland - Local Town Pages

Town Meeting Nov. 19

On Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 7 PM, there will be a Special Town Meeting held at the High School. 
Ashland’s legislative branch is the Open Town Meeting form of government. This means all registered voters have the opportunity to participate and vote on financial decisions, certain community issues, and bylaws in the form of warrant articles. 
Each fall the Town holds a Special Town Meeting to vote on a number of financial articles including the appropriation of free cash, which in accordance with our financial policies funds the General Stabilization, OPEB Trust Fund, SPED Stabilization and Capital and other one-time expenditures. Additionally, this Town Meeting residents will be asked to support a budget adjustment to allow the Town to adjust the American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) funds appropriation in the capital expense line to reflect the actual amount remaining after receiving better revenue estimates The Town will also ask for authorization for a borrowing to begin a project focused on replacing old water mains.   As we do each year, we will also set the Senior Tax Exemption, which allows eligible seniors to obtain a reduction in their property taxes. Town Meeting will also be asked to authorize the purchase of more than fifty acres of woodland to add to the Town Forest and prohibit development on the property. 
This Town meeting there will an article put forth to give the Town authority to remedy properties that are considered blighted or nuisance properties. This bylaw was created in response to complaints the Town received from residents. Unfortunately, the Town doesn’t currently have any tools to respond to complaints surrounding blighted properties. This Blighted Properties Bylaw will provide a process for the Town to work with the land/homeowners to get their properties back into compliance. Additionally, the Town will be presenting a zoning bylaw that puts the Town in compliance with the new MBTA Communities law. There was a subcommittee that worked for approximately a year to ensure that the Town could balance compliance with its master planning process. Public forums were held throughout the year and the Planning Board held a public hearing on October 24th in preparation for Town Meeting. For more information go to:

If you want to participate but have not registered to vote, the deadline to register is Nov. 8. Go to: for more information. The Ashland Recreation Department will be providing free childcare in the Gym at the High School in an effort to make it easier for families with younger children to participate.