Senior Community Center Activities for December 2024

Dec 2nd at 12:00 - NEW!!! Lunch with Holiday & Seasonal Readings by Former Librarian Russell Pollard
Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the
Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person. Due by Nov. 26th at 11 AM.
Dec 3rd at 11:00 - NEW!!! “How to De-Stress & Enjoy the Holiday Season” w/ Anne Fitzgerald, RN, MPH & Public Health Nurse, Town of Ashland.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 4th & 18th 9-11:30 - Veterans Office Hours with Richard Sabounjian
Appointments recommend. Call 508-429-0629 to schedule.
Dec 4th at 10:00 - Computer Class: “Entering Emergency & Health Information in your Cell Phone” Registrations Requested. Walk Ins also welcome.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 5th at 9:00 - FREE Breakfast sponsored by Ashland Lions Club
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 5th & 21st 10:00-1:00 - SHINE In Person Appointment w/ Fran Bakstran
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 5th at 10:00 - Ashland Council on Aging Meeting Public Invited.
Dec 5th at 10:30 - Downton Abbey Viewing: Season 3, Episode 2
Tea and coffee provided. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 5th at 12:00 - Friends of the Council on Aging Meeting Public Invited.
Dec 6th at 10:00 - Craft w/ Elissa: Make a Cookie In A Jar Gift
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 9th at 12:00 - Lunch and a Seasonal Trivia Contest
Reservations for Lunch: Please use the payment box outside of the
Main Office to reserve your seat. The cost is $5 per person. Due by Dec. 5th at Noon.
Dec. 11th 5:30-7:00 - NEW!!! Holiday Party Sponsored by FOACOA (Evening)
An Evening of Dinner, Music and Dancing with DJ Vic.
Please use the payment box outside the Main Office to reserve your seat.
Cost $15 per person. Reserve by Dec 5th.
Dec. 12th 10:00 - NEW!!! White Elephant Gift Exchange
Join us for light refreshments. Bring a wrapped new item from home that you never used as an exchange. Call 508-881-0140 x1 to reserve your seat.
Dec 13th 10:00-11:30 - Legal Phone Consultation with Arthur P. Bergeron
Call to make an appointment 508-881-0140 x1
Dec 13th at 10:00 - Pins & Needles Sewing Class w/ Tobi – Cloth Gift Bag(s)
Bring your own sewing machine. Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 16th at 10:30 - FREE Hearing Aid Cleaning w/ Hopkinton Audiology
Dec 16th at 11:00–1:00 - NEW!!! Jewelry Sale by Friends of Ashland COA
Proceeds support programming at Ashland Senior Center.
Dec 16th at 12:00 - NEW!!! Holiday Lunch w/ Ugly Holiday and Winter
Sweater Contest plus Live Music by Steve Rudolph
Please use the payment box outside the Main Office to reserve your seat. Cost $5 per person. Due by Dec. 12th at Noon.
Dec 17th at 1:00 - NEW!!! Adventures in Nova Scotia: Exploring History and Nature, and Nova Scotia’s ties to New England
Visit the historic port and homes of Yarmouth & learn about the “Age of Sail” & the role it played in the 18th and 19th century. See birds and butterflies in ancient fields & seals and seabirds along the rugged coast. Enjoy an intriguing virtual visit while listening to an in-person speaker Joy Marzolf.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1.
Dec 18th at 10:00 - Town Manager’s Coffee Hour. All are welcome!
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x1. Drop ins welcome.
Dec 18th at 12:00 - Offering an Added Lunch supported by the Ashland Lions
Please use the payment box outside of the Main Office to reserve your seat.
The cost is $5 per person. Due by Dec. 12th at Noon.
Dec 19th at 1-3:00 - NEW!!!! Intergenerational Cookie Decorating & Hot Chocolate Social
Plus bring a family recipe to share, if you wish!!!!
Seniors and Recreation Dept. preschool kids will decorate cookies, listen to holiday music and drink a little hot chocolate together.
Call to reserve your seat at 508-881-0140 x 1.
Services or programming during this week.
* Note: All classes are a suggested donation of $4 per person * Unless otherwise noted.
Monday Lunches at 12:00 pm weekly, except holidays. Reservations must be made by Thursday before the scheduled lunch. Please use the payment slip and locked box located outside of the main office to reserve your seat. Cost pp is $5 unless otherwise noted.
LUNCH MENU ($5 per person, reservations required)
Dec 2nd Italian Wedding Soup in a Bread Bowl from Marathon Deli
Dec 9th - Patty Melt on Marbled Rye w/ a Cup of Soup from 2Mauro’s Café
Dec 15th Beef Stroganoff on Pasta from TJ’s Restaurant
Dec 18th Homemade Ham, Mac & Cheese from Ashland Lions & Greater Ashland Lions
Bingo - First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 1 pm
Bowling - Tuesdays at Ryan’s Amusement in Millis at 9 am
Blood Pressure Check FREE!!! – Wednesdays at 10:30 am
Canasta – FREE!!! Wednesdays at 1 pm
Chair Volleyball – FREE!!! Thursdays at 1:30 pm. Beginners Welcome!
Chair Yoga - Wednesdays at 1 pm
Chess - FREE!!! Mondays at 1:30 pm
Craft Class FREE!!! – First and Third Fridays of the Month at 10 am
Cribbage - FREE!!! Thursdays at 12:30 pm
Exercise with Joni - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am
“DROP IN” Knitting Group - FREE!!! Second and Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 11 am
Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Class - Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Line Dancing with Lisa - Thursdays at 12 pm
Mahjong - FREE!!! Fridays at 10:30 am for all levels
Mindfulness & Meditation - Thursdays at 11 am with Mary Green
Parkinson’s Boxing - First & Third Wednesday of the Month at 1:30 pm
Pins and Needles FREE!!! Sewing Class– Second and Fourth Fridays of the Month at 10 am
Pitch Card Game – FREE!!! Mondays at 1:00 pm
Tai Chi – Tuesdays at 11:45 am with Jon Woodward
Veterans Office Hours - FREE!!! Every other Wednesday from 9 -11:30 am. Check Calendar for Dates.
Zumba Gold with Kellie – Tuesdays at 10 am