Greater Ashland Lions Club Happy New Year!

Our annual Coat Drive is running until January 5th 2025. To date we have collected 192 warm winter coats for children and adults. For Pickup: contact Lion Debbi at 508.728.4912 or visit these sites for drop-off: Town Hall on Main Street or Shear Perfection on Homer Ave (across from the old train station), Community Center (West Union Street) and Starbucks (intersection of Union and Summer Streets)..
During our December Dinner Meeting on December 5th we wrote out holiday cards for elderly residents of senior living facilities.
Our club donated money to purchase gift cards that will be given to teens in need.
Do you have any used eyeglasses hanging around? We’ll take them! Please bring them to the Police Station (located in the Public Safety Building at 12 Union St), Market Basket (Pond Street / Rte.126), the VFW (at 311 Pleasant Street), or the Town Hall (Main Street).
Wanting to get involved in the community? We’re a low-pressure group of service-oriented folks always looking for new members. If you’d like to learn more about the Lions and our club, please contact Lion Alexis at [email protected].
For more club information, please check us out on Facebook: Greater Ashland Lions Club. #weserve #kindnessmatters.
More January observances to warm you up during the cold days: January 20th remembering the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., also on January 20th it will be Inauguration Day, January 19th Popcorn Day. January 26th will be Spouse’s Day and to hold all of the days together: January 31st is National Hot Chocolate and Scotch Tape Days!
We are the Lions in Purple. We Serve!
Submitted: Lion Rosalie Porter, 2nd VP