Gabe Mugerian, a Living Legend

Submitted by Alice Zobian
If you’ve lived in Ashland, you know Gabe. He’s like Madonna, Cher, Bono and Prince – one name says it all. This year he will be celebrating his 100th birthday.
It’s great when you see it in the paper, it’s even better when you know the person.
Gabe is our father’s first cousin and we got to know him when we were kids. Uncle Gabriel, Aunt Rose and their mom were forthcoming and generous people. We are so proud that they are our relatives.
The first time we visited Ashland was in the late 60’s. Uncle Gabriel drove to Sunnyside, New York to pick us up and drive us to Ashland. We thought he was so cool with his Cadillac, cowboy boots and cigar. His 1961 Imperial with push button transmission, square steering wheel and incredibly large fins was great to pretend to drive. We met great neighbors and even then Uncle Gabriel knew everyone in town. The week would end with a great party, a barbecue and we couldn’t wait till next year.
Once we got to High School, our yearly visits stopped. We came to visit when his beloved sister passed away and then spo radically.
The family has kept in touch with Uncle Gabriel by calling him every Saturday. He answers the phone saying “ I’m still alive” which we always look forward to hearing. He feeds his outdoor cats and watches his westerns. Plays Megabucks and never wins but he has always been a winner with us.
A truly unique American, a Living Legend named Gabe. Happy 100th Birthdday.