Ashland Housing Authority Gears Up for Fall Work

The Ashland Housing Authority board hosts ice cream treats for its residents before its September board meeting. (Photo/supplied)
By Cynthia Whitty
The Ashland Housing Authority board is gearing up for a new season of meetings and work to support affordable housing for low and moderate income households in Ashland.
The projects the group has focused on recently include “replacing AC units, updating the community room and roof, updating bathrooms and the appearance of units, and installing better security with cameras and by working with Ashland police department,” Jon Fetherston, a Gov. Baker appointee to Housing Authority board, said. “We ran successful Covid clinics, and were blessed none of residents were affected by Covid!”
This fall, the board is looking to replace storm doors on most of the units.
The Ashland Housing Authority is a Massachusetts, state-aided public housing agency that provides housing for low income elderly and persons with disabilities. Its mission is to work with community, state, and local officials to provide decent, safe, and affordable housing, with dignity and respect, for the people of Ashland.
The board meets in the Housing Authority’s Community Room, located at 59 Park Rd., across from Stone Park at 5 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The meetings are open to the public.