Joshi Twins Push Each Other To Greatness on the Golf Course

Joshi Twins Push Each Other To Greatness on the Golf Course
By Christopher Tremblay, Staff Sports Writer
It’s not unusual for a freshman to make the varsity team of their high school team, but it is rather unique when they get to start.

Ashland twins Kyzar and Keira Joshi came out for the Ashland golf team three years ago, upon entering the high school, and surprisingly the two have been the Clockers number one and two golfers since then.
“Who’s number one is up for debate, it’s a day-to-day thing. Both are very good with their irons and puts and to be a good golfer it’s all about the middle and short game,” Ashland Golf Coach Mike Roman said. “It’s a great thing for a Coach knowing that you have two players who will consistently be coming in around the neighborhood of two over par no matter where we are playing.
The twins had played numerous different sports growing up but neither found anything that truly struck their fancy until their dad took them to the golf course with him one afternoon.
“It was about 10 years ago, and our dad allowed us to hit some balls. It was here that we fell in love with the game and eventually he was teaching us the sport,” Keira said. Golf was different as it allowed us ways to improve, and we also made some awesome friends in the process.”
Kyzar added that golf is a challenge to keep improving as it’s a game that you never get perfect in.

Although the two have been swinging the clubs for over a decade, it has only been the last five years that they really got serious in the game and began playing tournaments. By the time they got to high school they thought that their past performances on the golf course would carry them, but they still found it nerve wracking trying out for the team, especially for Keira.
“I was very nervous as high school was a boys’ team and I had never played on an all-boys team,” she said. “There was one other girl on the team, but on the day of tryouts she was late, leaving me as the only girl, and it was very intimidating.”
While Keira felt all the boys were looking at her being the only female, her brother was just as insecure.
“There was a lot of pressure, and I was unsure of myself coming into that tryout,” Kyzar said. “We were the only two freshmen trying out that year and all eyes were on us, and it added even more pressure to the experience.”
Both Joshis put forth their best effort and made the team, settled in and soon after found that they were the top golfers on the Clocker squad. Through the first two seasons on the golf course the twins have pretty much put up the same scores. During their first-year campaign they both shot six over par, while decreasing that score to a plus four in their sophomore year. While Kyzar holds the slightest of edges, Keira has been on his tail the entire two years.
“As siblings they are always trying to beat one another in a friendly, yet competitive way,” Coach Roman said. “They are consistently checking to see what the other is doing.”
According to Keira, she is always asking Coach Roman how her brother is doing; she finds it to be a healthy competition that keeps her motivated. Kyzar, while just as competitive, says that spirited drive is left on the course.
“Who is better all depends on the day, but it’s always a friendly competition. We each want to be better than the other,” Kyzar said. “Without a doubt we are both competitive on the golf course, but what ever happens on that day there are no hard feelings toward the other and it ends when we get home.”
Prior to the season beginning each had the same sort of goal. First and foremost, they wanted to go out and put forth their best effort to help the team advance into the Sectionals and hopefully the States. Individually they also wanted to go into the Tri-Valley League with a decent ranking and then go on to qualify for the Sectionals.
With still two years of golf left on the high school level both have thought of pursuing the sport on the collegiate level, but that’s nothing that they are looking at too seriously as of the time being. Kyzar is hoping to get into business or finance while his sister is looking to eventually attend law school in some capacity.
“Continuing to play golf in college is something that we both want to do, but attending the same school is not one of out criteria,” Kyzar said. “We have a few similar schools that we are looking at, but we also have different ones as well; If it happens is happens.”
Last fall, although there was an abbreviated season with mask wearing while on the course, the competing schools didn’t get to go out together during a competition. This year things are back to normal, and the Joshis are glad.
“It’s a good feeling not to have to wear our masks throughout the match,” Keira said. “We also get to actually play against the other team, unlike last year. It’s nice to get back to meeting the other golfers and interacting while on the course.”
As the Joshis look to help propel Ashland to the post-season,l the twins continue to work on their game and as Keira says, driving is for show and putting for dough. Now the duo needs to go out and show the rest of the TVL that they are serious contenders and are looking to get the Clockers to the post-season where they can collect their dough.